Suites Hotel Gyeongju
    Swimming Pool
    Enjoy time with family and friends in our bright and colorful pool.
    • 위치 위치 Dream Masion
    • 이용시간 이용시간 -
    • 이용안내
      Dream Masion 1F in Dream Center (5 minute walk from Hotel)
      Closed Every Monday (If Monday is a holiday, Swimming Pool will be closed on Tuesday)
      Additional charge will be added

      * Time
      - Weekdays (Monday-Friday): 06:00 to 21:00 (entrance closing at 20:30)
      - Weekend (Sat): 06:00 to 18:00 (entrance closing at 17:30)
      - Weekends (Sunday) and holidays: 07:00 to 18:00 (entrance closing at 17:30)
    • 예약 문의